Kevät on todella tullut puutarhaan. Tänään oli parhaimmillaan +21.1°C varjossa. Kasvihuone on siistitty, nurmikko haravoitu ja paviljonkiiin laitettu katos ja kalusteet.
Spring has really arrived to my garden. Today there was +21.1°C at most in the shadow. I have gleaned the greenhouse, raked the loan and made the pavillion ready for the summer.
Spring has really arrived to my garden. Today there was +21.1°C at most in the shadow. I have gleaned the greenhouse, raked the loan and made the pavillion ready for the summer.
Sinililjat olivat ensimmäisinä kukassa.
Bluebells were the first ones to bloom.
Bluebells were the first ones to bloom.
Lämpö sai valkovuokon avaamaaan ensimmäisen kukkansa.
Wood anemone opened its flowers in the sun.
Wood anemone opened its flowers in the sun.
Pienet narsissit ovat aina narsisseista ensimmäisinä. Keltavuokot taustalla kukkivat jo huomenna. Toivonkin niiden risteytyvän valkovuokon kanssa. Kermavuokko kai suomeksi. Svavelsippa ruotsiksi.
The tiny narcissus are always early in bloom. The yellow anemone in the background will open their flowers in the morning. I hope they will produce a hybrid with wood anemone.
The tiny narcissus are always early in bloom. The yellow anemone in the background will open their flowers in the morning. I hope they will produce a hybrid with wood anemone.
Sammakot iloisessa kutuleikissään lämpimässä säässä.
Frogs are happy when they play in the warm pond.
Frogs are happy when they play in the warm pond.